Building Community
Sustainability and Resilience
As Meaford’s branch of the global Transition Town movement, our mission is to build thriving communities with healthy people and a healthy environment, social equality and vibrant, diverse and dynamic economies.

The Municipality of Meaford has announced a partnership with Transition Meaford to enable a monthly styrofoam collection program for recycling.

Bee & Butterfly Habitat
Our mission is to do whatever we can to provide sanctuary and support to our pollinator species throughout our community.

Community Gardens
The Meaford Community Gardens group encourages the creation of an abundance of quality, locally-grown food, produced in an ecologically-sound manner, for all of Meaford’s community members!
“We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can quietly become a power no government can suppress, a power than can transform the world.”